CAP+Ure Fund

CapitaLand – U Care Resilience & Enablement (CAP+Ure) Fund aims to reach out to union members (with children), who are impacted by total and sudden (unexpected) loss of income by providing one-time interim financial support for children’s educational and nutritional needs. Each eligible child will receive $250 worth of FairPrice vouchers with $200 and $50 contributed by CapitaLand Hope Foundation and the union/association/NTUC General Branch respectively. The funds would be disbursed to help an estimated 2,500 children over 2 years or when the funds are fully drawn down, whichever is earlier.

Eligibility Criteria

Member must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the funding: 

  • Monthly Gross Household Income (GHI) of $5,800 and below or Per Capita Income (PCI) of $1,450 and below if exceeds GHI 
  • Children aged 21 years old and below studying at eligible educational institutions:
    • Government / Government-aided / Independent schools (primary and secondary) under the Ministry of Education;
    • Junior colleges; Institute of Technical Education; Millennia Institute; 
    • Special education schools
  • 6 months of continuous paid-up union membership

Documents Required

CriteriaRelevant Supporting Documents
  • Total and sudden (unexpected) loss of income
  • Documents to substantiate total and sudden loss of income
    e.g. company letter indicating retrenchment/termination benefits / medically boarded out, emails, SMS, letter as proof of postpone of job or cancellation (where applicable) AND
  • Member’s income documents
    e.g. CPF Statement (showing contribution history for the past 12 months)/ latest Notice of Assessment
  • Monthly Gross Household Income (GHI) of $5,800 and below or Per Capita Income (PCI) of $1,450 and below if exceeds GHI
  • Member’s spouse’s income documents, where applicable
    e.g. CPF Statement (showing contribution history for the past 12 months) / latest Notice of Assessment
  • Infants and Children aged 21 years and below studying at eligible educational institutions:
    • Government / Government-aided / Independent schools (primary and secondary) under the Ministry of Education;
    • Junior colleges; Institute of Technical Education; Millennia Institute;
    • Special education schools
Note: Does not include Polytechnic/ University students
  • Children’s education documents
    e.g. School result slips / birth certs (for children aged 7 and below, without student pass)
  • Date Joined Union must be at least 6 continuous months at point of application
  • Union/Association/NTUC Membership to verify

How To Apply

Applicant will be updated on the outcome of the application within 4-6 weeks and notified by his/her Union on the collection of the Fairprice vouchers.

Terms and Conditions

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions here.

Apply and view the original page here

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